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Net Zero Needs Nuclear 净零需要核能

来源:厚德田力 发布日期:2021-06-15




    Nuclear for Climate is a grassroots initiative gathering nuclear professionals and scientists from over 150 associations with the goal of opening a dialogue with policymakers and the public about the necessity of including nuclear energy among the carbon-free solutions to climate change.

    Nuclear for Climate是一个民间发起的草根运动,由来自150多个国家的核能专业人士以及科学家组成,我们相信为了应对气候变化、核能必然成为零碳解决方案中的重要组成部分,他们愿意为此与政府决策者以及公众开展对话活动。

    We have a vision of a clean, sustainable and abundant low-carbon future for all. Our mission is to accelerate the ability of the world to achieve Net Zero by 2050, by driving collaboration between nuclear and renewable technology. We believe that Net Zero Needs Nuclear and these are the reasons why:



    Nuclear is a proven and effective low carbon energy source: Nuclear is a proven low carbon source of energy which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and can replace our current reliance on polluting fossil fuel sources.

    核能是已经被证实的、有实际效果的低碳能源:减少温室气体 排放,减缓并替代我们目前对于有污染的化石能源的依赖。

    Nuclear is available, scalable and deployable: New nuclear needs to be deployed at scale and urgently, along with renewables, in order for Net Zero targets to be achievable.


    Nuclear is a flexible and affordable source of clean energy: Nuclear can integrate with an increasing supply of variable renewables to deliver efficient and affordable clean energy systems.


    Nuclear can deliver more than just low carbon electricity: Nuclear is also capable of supporting the decarbonisation of other sectors, such as heating and transport.


    Nuclear supports inclusive and sustainable global development: Nuclear promotes global socio-economic benefits and is strongly aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


    Five years on from the signing of the Paris Agreement, we are waking up to the enormity of the challenge that the world faces in limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. The global climate is at a critical juncture and together, we need to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by no later than 2050 if we are to have a chance of achieving this and protecting our planet’s future. But we are off track, and time is running out. So we need to act now.


    COP26 in Glasgow represents a critical opportunity for our nations to come together and take action, collectively changing the way we think about climate and setting us on the path towards achieving Net Zero. We are calling on all negotiators and policy makers who are involved at COP26 to take a scientific and technology neutral approach to energy policy and financing that can promote sustainable collaboration between nuclear and renewables.


    Key Contacts:

    • (UK) - NI YGN - Lead authors - chair.ygn@nuclearinst.com

    • (Europe) ENS – Emilia Janisz - emilia.janisz@euronuclear.org

    • (Canada) CNA – John Gorman - gormanj@cna.ca

    • (USA) ANS – John Starkey - jstarkey@ans.org

    • (Japan) JAIF – Daniel Liu - dyc-liu@jaif.or.jp

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