中国关键词 核工业篇 :EPR 全球首堆
来源:中核智库 发布日期:2021-12-21

关键词39:EPR 全球首堆
2007 年 11 月 26 日,中法两国元首共同见证了中法合作建设广东台山 EPR 核电项目系列协议的签署。2009 年 10月26日,中法合作建设的台山核电站1号机组开工建设, 是继芬兰和法国后第三台开建的EPR机组,2018 年 12 月 13 日投入商运,成为全球首台投入商运的EPR三代核电机组。2019 年 9 月 7 日,台山核电站 2 号机组投入商运, 标志着中法两国最大的能源合作项目全部建成。2019 年 11 月 6 日,习近平在同法国总统马克龙会谈中盛赞,台山核电站 1 号和 2 号机组全部建成投入商运,为全球第三代核电站建设提供了成功范例。
Keyword 39:World’s First Operational EPR Reactor
A series of Sino-French agreements on cooperation in the construction of Taishan EPR nuclear power project in Guangdong Province were signed on November 26, 2007, witnessed by the heads of state of China and France. Following the signing of these agreements, the construction of Taishan 1 started on October 26, 2009, marking the third EPR unit under construction following the first two in Finland and France. The unit went into commercial operation on December 13, 2018, becoming the world’s first EPR unit in commercial operation. Taishan 2 was put into commercial operation on September 7, 2019, bringing to a finish the largest Sino-French energy cooperation project. During a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on November 6, 2019, Chinese President Xi Jinping hailed the successful completion of the project as an example to show to the world how Gen III nuclear power plants could be built.
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