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中国关键词 核工业篇 :中国的核安全

来源:中核智库 发布日期:2021-11-18



中国始终把保障核安全作为重要的国家责任,融入核 能开发利用全过程,始终以安全为前提发展核事业,按照 最严格标准实施监督管理,始终积极适应核事业发展的新 要求,不断推动核安全与时俱进、创新发展,保持了良好 的安全记录,走出一条中国特色核安全之路。

中国从高从严构建核安全政策法规体系,每五年制定 实施核安全中长期规划,成立专门机构实施统一监管,保 障了核安全监管的独立性、权威性和有效性。中国逐步构 建起以法律规范、行政监管、行业自律、技术保障、人才 支撑、文化引领、社会参与、国际合作等为主体的核安全 治理体系,核安全防线更加牢固。

中国加强与世界各国、国际组织在核安全领域的交流 和合作,切实履行已签署的各项核能公约义务,践行核安全多边、双边承诺,与国际社会一道共同预防和化解核安 全风险,为提升全球核安全水平作出积极贡献。

Keyword 7:Nuclear Safety in China

China has always been committed to taking nuclear safety as an important national responsibility. Nuclear safety underpins every aspect of nuclear energy development and utilization in particular and the development of the nuclear industry in general. Regulatory measures follow the strictest standards, and adapt to the nuclear industry’s evolving imperatives in a new context. With a proven safety track record and an unwavering commitment to innovation, China has been taking a distinctly Chinese approach to nuclear safety. 

China has incorporated the highest standards and strictest requirements in its policy and legal framework on nuclear safety, which are supplemented by five-year plans for nuclear safety. A unified and specialized regulatory structure has been put in place to ensure the independence, authority and effectiveness of nuclear safety regulation. A nuclear safety governance system has gradually taken shape, encompassing legal norms, administrative regulations, industry self-regulation, technical support, human resources support, cultural guidance, public participation, and international cooperation, among others. 

There have been increased exchanges and cooperation with other countries and international organizations in the field of nuclear safety. China is committed to strictly fulfilling its obligations under various nuclear energy conventions it has acceded to, and honoring its multilateral and bilateral nuclear safety commitments. It is ready to work with the international community to prevent and address nuclear safety risks and make contributions to enhancing global nuclear safety.

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